Current Projects
Mixed realityteleportation for dual quadruped manipulator systems (Yale Applied Planning, Learning, and Optimization Lab)
Force Assisted Collaborative Object Repositioning where a robot is trained to follow the implicit instruction of the human through small force changes (Yale Intelligent Robotics Lab, CPSC 573)
June - Aug 2024
BridgeDP, is a leading motion control solutions provider for legged robots. I worked on the fall and push recovery of various bipedal robots using reinforcement learning.
July 2023 - Mar 2024
As a research intern, I worked on minimizing low frequency magnetic noises of the Ultracold Electric Dipole Moment apparatus, and the design of the Magneto-optical trap of the Lattice-EDM apparatus.
Ventricle Robotics
Nov 2023 - Present(paused)
This is a slider-tendon-based robot efficiently converts motor-driven rotations into precise, linear compression strokes through its mechanical advantage. This is a novel medical device prototype that I'm working on part-time. Currently in stealth mode.
Remote Sensing of Defects on Transparent Materials, BSc Project
Ocr 2023 - Jan 2024
Developed a high performance remote sensing framework to detect defects in transparent materials. Tuned hyperparameters and incorporated high-pass filters and Slicing Aided Hyper Inference which increased
mAP50-95 performance by 26.7%.
Radioactivity, Year 2 Lab
Interferometry, Year 2 Lab
Not So Simple Pendulum, Year 1 Lab
Nov 2021
This project investigates the amplitude dependence of a pendulum's period and finds that it is independent of amplitude
Microprocessor Heat Dissipation Simulation, Year 3 Computational Physics Course
Nov - Dec 2023
Developed a finite volume PDE solver to solve Poisson’s equation for Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin boundary conditions to explore optimal heat sink design for minimum steady-state temperature distribution
Waves, Year 2 Lab
Jan 2023
Explored group and phase velocity, and the dispersion relation exhibited in a transmission line.
Thermal Snooker, Year 2
Dec 2022
The Python-based simulation investigates the effects of different parameters on temperature and pressure, allowing for exploration of underlying thermodynamics laws
Capacitance, Year 1 Lab
Feb 2022
This project calculates the capacitance of an electrolytic and a ceramic capacitor using two methods, discharge decay and phase shift
Transparent Conducting Films, Senior Year Highschool
Aug - Oct 2020
A computer simulation is used to determine the optical properties, including reflectance, transmittance, and absorption, of a single stack of PEDOT:PSS-ITO hybrid under different incident ray wavelengths.